Kia Optima Driver/Passenger Interior

Kia Optima


vs. The Competition

The Kia Optima is currently rated #2 out of 10 in terms of its Driver/Passenger Interior in its category, beaten by the 2017 Honda Accord for Midsize Cars.

It's an average car overall compared to others in the same category when looking at it strictly for its Driver/Passenger Interior and beats more than half of its competition along the way.


Which is better: Kia Optima or Honda Accord?

The Optima costs $255.00 less than the Accord. From comparing their attributes, our survey rated it is winning in a head to head match up.

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Which is better: Kia Optima or Toyota Camry?

The Optima costs $870.00 less than the Camry. You have a chance to be the first to compare the two against each other.

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Which is better: Kia Optima or Chevrolet Malibu?

The Optima costs $520.00 more than the Malibu. You have a chance to be the first to compare the two against each other.

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Which is better: Kia Optima or Hyundai Sonata?

The Optima costs $600.00 more than the Sonata. You have a chance to be the first to compare the two against each other.

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Which is better: Kia Optima or Ford Fusion?

The Optima costs $410.00 less than the Fusion. You have a chance to be the first to compare the two against each other.

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Which is better: Kia Optima or Mazda6?

The Optima costs $255.00 more than the Mazda6. You have a chance to be the first to compare the two against each other.

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Which is better: Kia Optima or Nissan Altima?

The Optima costs $300.00 less than the Altima. You have a chance to be the first to compare the two against each other.

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Which is better: Kia Optima or Subaru Legacy?

The Optima costs $205.00 more than the Legacy. You have a chance to be the first to compare the two against each other.

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Which is better: Kia Optima or Volkswagen Passat?

The Optima costs $240.00 less than the Passat. After a comparison of the two based on their attributes, our voters rated it is losing in a head to head match up.

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