29 city / 41 highway city / highway

Toyota Camry


vs. The Competition

The Toyota Camry is currently rated #3 out of 3 in terms of its MPG in its category, beaten by the 2019 Ford Fusion for Midsize Cars.

It's a good car overall compared to others in the same category when looking at it strictly for its MPG in spite of its low overall rating because its attributes individually tie against competition.

vs. Other Years

  • This car costs $1,025 more than the 2017 model.
  • This car's base horsepower is 25hp more and its max horsepower is 33hp more than the 2017 model.
  • This car's city mpg is 5 more and its highway mpg is 8 more than the 2017 model.


Which is better: Toyota Camry or Ford Fusion?

The Camry costs $1,255.00 more than the Fusion. You have a chance to be the first to compare the two against each other.

Compare the two against eachother

Which is better: Toyota Camry or Chevrolet Malibu?

The Camry costs $2,005.00 more than the Malibu. Based on a comparison of the attributes, people rated it is winning in a head to head match up.

Compare the two against eachother